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I forgot to thank God

"Only if you can think deeply will you be able to thank God"
Disclaimer!!»»» These sites are not for anyone to bring in religious differences, nor does this in ANY WAY talk about doctrines or gives prayers... It only inspires the number one thing we naturally fail to do... Strictly to Thank God!
Most people(including) are always in the habit to believe worship involves fasting, going to secluded places for worship and then asking and asking and asking from God. It is true that it is important to ask God for what we want but do we know Him?
Like I said above, if we can think deeply we would be able to thank God, we would be able to know Him, SEE HIS HANDS IN EVERYTHING(gradually, we see Him and know Him and truly appreciate Him)
He is a very sweet 'I am'
Our body alone; within us is more than enough for a place to thank God... He will show Himself to us but we are only interested in the part where He says 'ask'. What about the ones He did without us asking?
I learnt this, the same way I am inspired to write it down. I never knew that my stories will indeed inspire (TifestoriesInspired:-)) because it inspired even I, myself. Long when I titled this page TifestoriesInspired, I really never knew that was what I meant, but God had known! The same way the slightest things that has happened in our life we do not understand them instead we allow Satan point to people and we are like "oh my! She is so popular and I am not! I should make an effort to be popular"  or we say "oh my! See the school he sends his children to, I am not working hard enough!" or we say "oh....
(update coming up soon)

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I forgot to thank God 3

... Not praise and thanks to expect something in return! What is all enough is that you haven't and musn't forget to breathe. I for...